Personalized Disk Necklace ~ Great Christmas Gift!
Repurposed Scraps of Metal = Unique Piece of Personalized Jewelry
Bird Feeder!! Wine Barrel Rings ~ Repurposed
I love this! I especially love that my husband made it for me and he didn't have to buy anything to make it!!. .....It comes in handy to have a junk hoarding wife and the 84 drawer metal cabinet full of nuts, bolts, etc. didn't hurt either!
This is made from 3 wine barrel rings, an old galvanized pan, chain, nuts and bolts. It was super simple and required just a drill for the holes and a few wrenches for tightening....oh, and the birdseed!
Repurposing Fun!! and Salvaged Finds!
Salvaged Pieces of Copper + Enamel Powder = Unique Jewelry!
Family Rules Sign
I've decided to do something a bit different this time as far as a tutorial goes. Instead of creating a step by step list of instructions on my Blog I'll be sending an email with a .pdf or a .pub file of the entire wording layout so you can print and make your own sign. I will also let you know what I used to trace the words onto the board and how I distressed and protected the finished product.
Snowman Clan Christmas Ornaments ~ Repurposed Keys
If you've checked out my blog you'll see that I have another post featuring my cute little Snowmen Ornaments. These little guys are distant relatives of theirs that just arrived in town. They're made in the same way as the others but these little guys have embellished brass key bodies that I salvaged from a key shop in town that was going out of business. The creative possibilities with these little guys are endless!
Trash to Treasured Handmade Christmas Tree
I'm not posting this as a complete step by step tutorial with a materials list but more like a "look what I did today" and here's how I did it sort of post. With that being said if anyone has any questions please send me an email and I'll be happy to answer.
Granite Cheese Board Tutorial Christmas Gift!
Someone I know was gifted one of these granite cheese boards years ago at a Christmas party and I loved it so much that my husband and I made about 12 of them that year for Christmas gifts.
Handmade Christmas Gift for a Penny!
Pet Bed ~ Christmas Project ~ Repurposed Drawer
- October 2016 (1)
- April 2016 (1)
- February 2016 (1)
- January 2016 (1)
- December 2015 (5)
- November 2015 (7)