Salvaged Pieces of Copper + Enamel Powder = Unique Jewelry!

I love enameling on copper! I especially love it when people give me pieces of copper that are leftover scraps from a job site and I can do what I love.....repurpose!! The pieces below are made from copper, bits of chain, jumprings and clasps from my stash of costume and vintage jewelry and some fishing swivels from my yardsale find tackle box! I used a new technique I discovered to make these look like little rusty relics!  I love them! These are already for sale in Enjoy the Store Visalia but I'll be making more for my Etsy Store soon!

 photo signature_zps4ukqbwtb.png
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Beautiful, love the

Beautiful, love the earrings!!!

Thank you! Glenda...they were

Thank you! Glenda...they were fun to make.

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